
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Myths and truths of lactose intolerance

Has that after eating a piece of cheese or drinking a glass of milk you feel bloated or have severe abdominal pain happened?

If your answer is affirmative and attributed these symptoms to a gastritis or irritable you might be wrong categorically. It is likely that you case of lactose intolerance, "a very common disease, affecting nearly 60% of the", says Vidaintegra, Dr. David Kutz gastroenterologist.

The myths

Myth 1: lactose intolerance is caused by a deficiency in the enzyme lactose.

Real. "Lactose intolerance occurs when the intestine does not produce enough of the enzyme lactose. Enzymes help the body to absorb nutrients. Babies produce this enzyme, because milk is the only food that can be consumed. Eventually we started to include other foods in our diet, so the lactose is losing,"explains Dr. Kutz, Vidaintegra gastroenterologist.

Myth 2: it is recommended that youth and adults consume no dairy products.

False. Although about 60% of suffer them from lactose intolerance, specialist says that "it must continue consuming milk to protect bones, since dairy products are generally the best source of calcium".

Myth 3: the lactose intolerance has symptoms similar to of the irritable bowel syndrome.

Real. Symptoms, explains the gastroenterologist, are: "abdominal distention (bloating), bloating, can sometimes be accompanied by abdominal pain and diarrhea." There are even patients who show both pictures, so is looking for the best treatment to relieve symptoms".

Myth 4: you feel it is urgent to consult.

False. You are advised to consult with a specialist "when there is gastrointestinal disturbances affecting the quality of life". There are people who live together without problems with lactose intolerance because the symptoms are unnoticeable or are not significant.

Myth 5: eliminating dairy from the diet the symptoms disappear.

Real. "If not already consumed lactose, there are no symptoms," adds. However, these people should worry of calcium in other ways. "There are lactose-free food," explains Kutz, and adds that another alternative of treatment are capsules of lactose taken before eating dairy.

The benefits of stretching

The stretching (stretching or elongation) is a scientific method through which you can exercise mobility in an easy and very effective way. An increase in mobility is a program less strenuous muscle stretching that causes, so surprisingly fast. This practice exercises are easy to learn, can be done without the need for auxiliary means and are designed so that they are appropriate for all ages. In addition this exercise technique has proven to be very effective in preventing injuries.

For several years, this methodology is used by physical therapists and some sports coaches. A personal trainer and three years began to incorporate exercises of stretching in their classes. "It is necessary that all who practice a sporting activity is directed to carry out a plan of stretching at the end of the training," features.""It is also important to prioritize the main groups biarticulares hips and lower limbs (ischiotibial muscles, iliotibial band and straight femoral and twin) hip rotators, girdle and shoulder, whereupon the physical condition will be improved considerably and avoid injury".

ADVANTAGES. The stretching determines long-term benefits generated by the sum of the effect of so many exercises performed with the same muscle group. Important neuro-physiological changes occur and, at the same time, the muscle increases gradually its actual length. "In addition - San Martin - has other reasons why practice it: flexibility and coordination of movements, elasticity of the muscles, tendons and ligaments, stimulation of the circulatory system, muscular relaxation, regeneration, prevention of future muscle spasms and knowledge and awareness of the body".

Like any physical activity in general, the stretching is done twice a week. It is advisable a 15 to 30 minute session and time stretching of each segment should oscillate between 6 to 45 seconds and pause for relaxation should last the same amount of time as that used for traction (6 to 45 seconds). Here, the personal trainer offers two examples of stretches. You choose:


1 Sit on the floor with the soles of the feet together and bring them as close as possible to the English and put your hands around the toes.
2. Tilt the upper part of the body forward, slowly until you feel the inside of the thighs stretched. Hold this position for 20 seconds.
3 Bending by the hips, keep the spine straight and high Chin, as if a point of the ground were looking ahead.
4. To feel that the voltage decreases, increase slowly that stretch a little more. Endure for twenty-five seconds.
5 Exit the stretch slowly and sit in a straight position.
6 Breathe.


1. Sit on the floor with his right leg extended and bent left leg so that the sole of the left foot is pointing towards the inside of the right thigh.
2. Do not force the leg extended knee. Keep your knee slightly bent.
3 Lean forward from the hips (without bending your back), stretching towards the toes of the leg extended, until you feel a slight tension.
4. Hold this position for twenty seconds.
5. Be sure that the toes of the extended leg look upwards. This will help to maintain the alignment of the ankle, knee and hip.
6. For the evolved stretch, leaning a little more, until it is perceived an increase in tension.
7 Exit slowly stretch and change of leg. Always remember that should not bounce and the toes of the extended leg should look up to maintain correct alignment.

Tips on caring for your health

Sport helps to have a healthy life, but it is important to maintain - and prepare - the body for this. they are perfect to keep that balance your body needs.

The paste delivers a high energy content, as well as vitamins and essential minerals that an athlete needs, then wear that produces physical activity.

Inulin is one of the essential elements that make these pasta perfect for sportsmen. This element is part of dietary fiber, and is usually found in roots and tubers.

Its presence is important because it contributes to a good regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, achieving that they will assimilate more slowly, making it perfect for prolonged efforts made by athletes.

Athletes need to take care of your body, and pasta intake is vital for this. For this reason, Endeavored to deliver all the vitamins, fiber and minerals necessary for a correct power in those who develop a great physical effort.